Showcasing some of the best digital artwork around, for your inspiration.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

We Feel Fine

We Feel Fine is one awesome-looking website.

It's a website that queries blogs all over the internet for the phrase "I feel _____" and then organizes the results in something that, in my opinion, looks bitchin' sweet. Colors relate to a happy or sad feeling, and depending on where you click, you can have results organized into gender, age or even what the weather was like outside during the time that the poster made the blog post. Combined with particle physics that are just so fun to play with; We Feel Fine is probably one of my favorite sites to check out on a fairly regular basis.

Go check out We Feel Fine today!

Friday, February 8, 2008

Hack 2 School

core77 - hack 2 school

core77 put together a resource website dedicated to design students called hack 2 school. It's got advice on classes, how to promote your work, tips on how to make witty use of the internet - you really should check this out if you are a student or if you've just graduated. This thing is packed, hot!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008


quibibi - DAYDREAM
quibibi - TORIKAGO

quibibi, based in Japan, has created some really beautiful interactive artwork. The website is difficult to navigate because it is not in English - but it really is worth the time to click on the imagery and launch some of the pieces.

DAYDREAM, a campaign for Japanese hat designers and manufacturers Weave Toshi, is an abstract narrative that is time-sensitive to your cursor's movement. The interactive minisite showcases Weave Toshi's designer hat collection in a way that seems more like net art or indie film and far from a season catalog. DAYDREAM has won a few awards since it launched: One Show Interactive 2007 -Gold, D&AD Global Awards 2007 :Websites -Yellow, Cannes Lions 2007 :Cyber Lions -Silver.

TORIKAGO mixes narrative and interactive in a subtle, beautiful way - the user can interact with the film but not control it. quibibi's work makes me really wonder about the possibilities of crossing film, photo, and programming.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Emily Gobeille and Theo Watson - FUNKY FOREST

Emily Gobeille and Theo Watson (both Parsons Communication Design + Technology Alumni) - FUNKY FOREST

Emily and Theo worked collaboratively to create the interactive installation, 'Funky Forest' which premiered at the 2007 Cinekid festival in the Netherlands. 'Funky Forest' is an interactive ecosystem where children create trees with their body and then divert the water flowing from the waterfall to the trees to keep them alive. The health of the trees contributes to the overall health of the forest and the types of creatures that inhabit it. The piece was executed using openFrameworks.

See FUNKY FOREST and more of Emily's work at:

Theo's work can be found at: